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Cookie Policy for Caroline Davidson Literary Agency


This Cookie Policy (Cookie Policy) together with our Privacy Notice sets out the ways in which Caroline Davidson Literary Agency (we, us, our) collects and uses and shares your personal data (your information) in connection with our business.

We take your privacy and our responsibility to protect your information very seriously.


We use cookies to ensure that you get the most out of our website. Cookies are small amounts of information in the form of text files which we store on the device you use to access our website.

Our website has a “cookie banner” which notifies users that cookies may be placed on their device when accessing it.

If you do not wish for cookies to be installed on your device, you can change the settings on your browser or device to reject cookies. For more information about how to reject cookies using your internet browser settings please consult the “Help” section of your internet browser (or alternatively visit the about cookies website). Please note that, if you do set your Internet browser to reject cookies, you may not be able to access all of the functions of the website.

Cookies can be classified according to their function or on the basis of their life span. Our website is designed and maintained ‘in-house’ and is hosted by websites use the following types of cookies:

Session (Transient) cookies

These cookies are erased when you close your browser, and do not collect information from your computer. They typically store information in the form of a session identification that does not personally identify the user.


Persistent (Permanent/Stored) cookies

These cookies are stored on your hard drive until they expire (i.e based on a set expiration date) or until you delete them. These cookies are used to collect identifying information about the user, such as web surfing behavior or user preferences for a specific site.

These are the cookies used by websites:






According to cookie-checker, the CDLA website is using first party and third party request cookies.

First party cookies

These are cookies that are set by the site itself and can only be read by this site. They are commonly used for the functionality of the site (eg shopping cart).

The cookies emboldened in the above table are first party cookies.

Third-party request cookies

These are requests that are made from a user to an external service. Despite the fact these requests do not set any cookies, they can still transfer privacy information to third parties. Google Analytics for example works through third party requests.

The CDLA website uses one third-party request cookie and its website address is:

Our website may contain content and links to other sites that are operated by third parties that may also operate cookies. We don’t control these third party sites or cookies and this Privacy Notice does not apply to them. Please consult the terms and conditions and Privacy Notice of the relevant third party site to find out how that site collects and uses your information and to establish whether and for what purpose they use cookies.

Please note, the regulations for cookies are separate from the GDPR and are currently under review.

Cookie Name








Life Span





Persistent cookie

Persistent cookie

Two weeks


Creates activities and BI






Identify logged in site members

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